Sheber Festival 2016
“Jewellery and Wood – an Artistic Experience”
Astana – Kazakhstan
Astana University of Arts and Union of Artisans of Kazakhstan
The Sheber-Keruyen Festival Astana 2016 was held by the Union of Artisans of Kazakhstan, UNDP in partnership with the Chevron company, Shopping Center Keruyen, UNESCO, FECA, galleries Has Sanat, the National Museum of Kazakhstan.
A fashion and jewellery show opened the event, which included exhibtions from artisans all over Kazachstan. The workshop took place in the University of Fine Arts, in co-operation with. Prof. Serzhan Bashirov.
Over recent years, wood has come into the focus for contemporary artistic jewellers. Inspired by their works, the participating artists (woodworkers and jewellers) expressed themselves spontaneously, which led to really surprising innovative works.
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